Urs Syedna Khattab bin Hasan RA

Today - Urs - 1st Mazoon al-Da'wat al-Garra *Syedna Khattab bin Hasan RA* ~ He was milk brother to Maulatona Hurrat-al-Maleka RA and chief of the tribe from Hajur from Qodaam in Hamdaan. He authored many theological works like 'Muneerat-ul-Basa'ir', 'Ghayat-ul-Mawaalid' and collection of poems that include the oft recited eulogy in honour of Maulatona Hurrat-al-Maleka RA. He was treacherously killed by His brother Sulaiman's sons in Safar ul-Muzaffar 533H ie 1138AD at the age of 93 years. Syedna Khattab RA has seen both the _zamaan of Zuhoor and Satr_. (Pic Courtesy : The court of Maulatona Hurrat-al-Maleka RA).