Urs Syedna Abduttayyeb Zakiyuddin RA

Today - Urs Mubarak - 29th Dai al-Mutlaq *Syedna Abdut-Taiyyeb Zakiyuddin RA* ~ His most noteworthy and singular service was during the fitnat of Suleimaan LA. When 27th Dai al-Mutlaq Syedna Da'wood bin Qutubshah RA chose to retreat from public view during the turbulent period, Syedna Abdut-Taiyyeb Zakiyuddin RA remained steadfast in the service of His father. After the false claim of Ali bin Ibrahim LA, Emperor Jehangir declared Syedna Zakiyuddin RA as the rightful Dai al-Mutlaq and renewed the *Farmaan-e-Khaaqaani*. But Ali, turned disloyal again and formed his sect which today is known as Aliya Vohras. Syedna Zakiyuddin RA expired at the age of 68 and His tenure as a Dai was 10 years, 7 months & 24 days and is burried in Ahmedabad. (Pic Courtesy : Qubbah Mubarakah of Syedna Abdul-Taiyyeb Zakiyuddin RA built by Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin Aqa RA in 1417H in *Ahmedabad*).