Silke Hayaat

*Silke Hayaat is back for a new season - with a twist!*

*Key Updates:*

• A Global Leaderboard of Top 10 Mawaze will be announced each term focusing on different aspects of the 12 Umoor.
• Articles will now be replaced with interviews regarding Event Management of Major Dawat Miqaats.
• Each Newsletter will now feature newsworthy pieces from different Umoor, rather than 1 Umoor per newsletter.

*Topics of Interest covered in Silke Hayaat S2 E1* (_Moharram 1444H to Safar 1444H_):

• An Interview touching upon the miraculous events which the management team witnessed during London Ashara Mubaraka.
• A List of Top 10 Mawaze which had perfect Haziri in Ashara Mubaraka 1444H.
• A dive into history regarding how Syenda Mohammed Burhanuddin RA confirmed the location of Rasul Imam Husain AS in Askelon.

*Check out the newly released edition on the ITS website! (Direct access links given below)*


*Lisan al-Dawat:*

